=========================================== Emoji Symbols Font Emoji Symbols Font (c)blockworks - Kenichi Kaneko http://emojisymbols.com/ =========================================== === Before use === The use of this font is permitted only to those who agree to the following contents. - The copyright of data and icon of this font belongs to "blockworks - Kenichi Kaneko" (hereinafter, "the author"). This font is protected by the Copyright Act of Japan. - Only the right to use is permitted for this font, and we do not remise its property and copyright. The property and copyright belong to the author. - Only on Web pages (private pages, blogs, corporate pages, etc.) and Web services (services on the Web), the font can be used free of charge, be it for private or business use. - Do not modify the data in font file, and use it as it is. - When using the font, state the following copyright near the places the font is used in CSS file. /* Emoji Symbols Font (c)blockworks - Kenichi Kaneko http://emojisymbols.com/ */ === Prohibited matters === The following contents /acts are prohibited.However, for the items marked *, we take on separate contracts at extra cost. Contracts at extra cost http://emojisymbols.com/faq.php#anc_price - The icon of this font cannot be used for logos, trademarks, etc. bearing rights.(The use cannot be restricted even if trademarks are registered, etc.) - Use other than the Web (commercial printed matters, magazines, electronic publication, images, and software/hardware installation) * - The file format of this font cannot be converted for use. * - This font cannot be subset (Deletion of unused characters). * - This font cannot be resold/redistributed. * - The content of this font cannot be changed, modified, decompiled, disassembled, etc. * - Derivatives based on this font cannot be created, sold, or redistributed. Derivatives include Web services such as format conversion, subsetting, and recreation of the font. * === Disclaimer === - The author will not be responsible for any results/damages arising out of use of this font. - If any contents of font data are found defective, the data will be replaced through update. - Pictures and contents of emoji are subject to change without prior notice. === Others === - Feel free to contact us if you have any questions on the contents. If you give us concrete examples of use, we will find it easier to answer your questions. - If the font and author incur financial or mental harm/damage, we will take legal actions. In such case, a lawsuit will be filed in the court in Japan specified by the author. - The above contents are subject to change/addition without prior notice. === Version up === - October 23 2012 Publish a Emoji Symbols Font.