
LG - LaymanGL - documentation

LG is a small tool to call webgl without the confusing boilerplate, but with useful extra builtin variables and functions. I hope this tool can help you run parallel code easily on the browser for demonstration, illustration or teaching purpose.

<script src="https://laurent.sexy/soft/lg/lg.js"></script>

Here is a list of available things. Commented lines are not implemented yet.

const float pi = 3.14159265359; // π const float two_pi = 2.*pi; // 2π uniform vec2 mouse; // the position of the mouse ∈ [-1,1]² uniform vec2 res; // the resolution of the canvas ∈ ℕ² float cosinus(float angle); // native cos precision can be very bad depending on hardware float sinus(float angle); // native sin precision can be very bad depending on hardware // uniform vec4 scroll; // 2d scroll position ∈ ℝ² + scroll scale ∈ ℝ² // uniform vec4 scroll_a; // 2d parameter controlled with scroll/middle-click + key_a // uniform vec4 scroll_b; // 2d parameter controlled with scroll/middle-click + key_b // uniform vec4 scroll_z; // 2d parameter controlled with scroll/middle-click + key_z // uniform mat4 rot_a; // rotation controlled with scroll/middle-click + key_a // uniform mat4 rot_b; // rotation controlled with scroll/middle-click + key_b // uniform mat4 rot_z; // rotation controlled with scroll/middle-click + key_z uniform float html_blah; // the value of the html element with id "blah" such as : // // you just have to prepend the id with html_ // So far only float are supported, but I intend to introduce // vec3 and matrices with custom html element such as // // // etc... LG_VECTORIZE_2(FUNC) // from `float FUNC(floatv)` makes `vec2 FUNC(vec2 v)` LG_VECTORIZE_3(FUNC) // from `float FUNC(floatv)` makes `vec3 FUNC(vec3 v)` LG_VECTORIZE_4(FUNC) // from `float FUNC(floatv)` makes `vec4 FUNC(vec4 v)` LG_MAKE_VEC4_FUNC(T, FUNC) // when `T FUNC(vec4 v)` is defined, this macro will make // all possible combination of int,float,vec2,vec3,vec4 // such as `T FUNC(vec3 v123, float v4)` // or `T FUNC(int v1, vec3 v234)` // even `T FUNC(vec3 v123)` that defaults to v4=0 // LG_MAKE_VEC3_FUNC(T, FUNC) // same for `T FUNC(vec3 v)` LG_MAKE_VEC2_FUNC(T, FUNC) // same for `T FUNC(vec2 v)` // // remark : we shouldn't need to specify `T` but // I don't know how not to automate that // // remark : we should be able to replace them all with // a single function `LG_MAKE_VEC_FUNC` mat4 rot4(vec3 axis, float angle); // rotation matrix mat3 rot3(vec3 axis, float angle); // rotation matrix mat2 rot2(float angle); // rotation matrix float noise(vec4 p); // aperiodic perlin noise (LG_MAKE_VEC4_FUNC enabled) vec2 noise2(vec4 p); // aperiodic perlin noise (LG_MAKE_VEC4_FUNC enabled) vec3 noise3(vec4 p); // aperiodic perlin noise (LG_MAKE_VEC4_FUNC enabled) vec4 noise4(vec4 p); // aperiodic perlin noise (LG_MAKE_VEC4_FUNC enabled) float rand(vec2 seed); // noise function float c_len(vec2 z); // |z| float c_abs(vec2 z); // |z| float c_ang(vec2 z); // ang(z) vec2 c_bar(vec2 z); // bar(z) vec2 c_mul(vec2 z, vec2 w); // z⋅w vec2 c_inv(vec2 z); // 1/z vec2 c_log(vec2 z); // log(z) vec2 c_exp(vec2 z); // exp(z) vec2 c_exp(float im); // exp(0+i⋅im) vec2 c_pow(vec2 z, float n); // z^n vec2 c_pow(vec2 z, vec2 w); // z^w vec2 c_sin(vec2 z); // sin(z) vec2 c_cos(vec2 z); // cos(z) // available colorspaces : srgb,rgb,xyz,xyY,HCV,HSV,HSL,HCY,YCbCr // important : rgb = linear RGB ≠ sRGB vec3 rgb2srgb(vec3 rgb); // example of available conversion vec3 hcy2srgb(vec3 hcy); // example of available conversion vec3 srgb2hcy(vec3 srgb); // example of available conversion // etc... float luminance(vec3 rgb); // luminance of a !! linear !! rgb color vec3 rgb2srgb_fast(vec3 rgb); // approximated version of rgb2srgb vec3 srgb2rgb_fast(vec3 srgb); // approximated version of srgb2rgb float linear2srgb(float channel); // Converts a single linear channel to srgb float srgb2linear(float channel); // Converts a single srgb channel to rgb vec3 blackbody(float T); // Temperature (in Kelvin) to rgb or srgb, unclear, TODO // pos ∈ [-1,+1] × [-1,+1] // uv ∈ [ 0,+1] × [ 0,+1] // spheric ∈ [-π,+π] × [-π/2,+π/2] // vec ∈ ℝ^3 // hammer ∈ [-1,+1] × [-1,+1] vec2 uv2spheric(vec2 uv); // conversion vec2 spheric2uv(vec2 spheric); // conversion // etc... texture = lg.texture() // make a texture texture.load("url/to/image.jpg") // load image from url texture.wrap_s_mirror() // wrap mirror mode only s direction texture.wrap_t_mirror() // wrap mirror mode only t direction texture.wrap_mirror() // wrap mirror mode both direction texture.wrap_s_repeat() // wrap repeat mode only s direction texture.wrap_t_repeat() // wrap repeat mode only t direction texture.wrap_repeat() // wrap repeat mode both direction texture.wrap_s_clamp() // wrap clamp mode only s direction texture.wrap_t_clamp() // wrap clamp mode only t direction texture.wrap_clamp() // wrap clamp mode both direction buffer = lg.buffer() // make a buffer buffer.set([-1,-1, ..., 1, 1]) // fill the buffer with some numbers count = 542 // the number of points corresponding to our buffer // something like (buffer_size/buffer_dimension) program = lg.program(vs,fs) // compile a GPU program from vert/frag shader run = program.drawLines(count) // GPU program call function (the program is not called yet) run = program.drawLineStrip(count) // GPU program call function (the program is not called yet) run = program.drawLineLoop(count) // GPU program call function (the program is not called yet) run = program.drawPoint(count) // GPU program call function (the program is not called yet) run = program.drawTriStrip(count) // GPU program call function (the program is not called yet) run = program.drawTriFan(count) // GPU program call function (the program is not called yet) run = program.drawTri(count) // GPU program call function (the program is not called yet) let vars = { // GPU program args "position": buffer, // in vec2 position; or similar must be in the vertex shader "tex": texture, // uniform sampler2D tex; or similar in any shader "alpha": 1, // uniform float alpha; or similar in any shader "coord": [1,0], // uniform vec2 coord; or similar in any shader "xyz": [1,2,3], // uniform vec3 xyz; or similar in any shader "color": [1,0,0,1], // uniform vec4 color; or similar in any shader } run(vars) // actual call of the GPU program // TODO // support vertexAttribIPointer // support framebuffer texture // lg.scroll_a.fix_axis(true) // keep the ground down for rotation // lg.scroll_b.fix_axis(true) // keep the ground down for rotation // lg.scroll_z.fix_axis(true) // keep the ground down for rotation Geom.quad(20,40) // point list to be drawn with drawTriStrip or drawLineStrip range(a) // returns [0, 1,...,a-2,a-1] range(a,b) // returns [a,a+1,...,b-2,b-1] linspace(a,b,N) // returns [a,a+ε,...,b-ε,b] that has N elements linspace(N) // returns [0,0+ε,...,1-ε,ε] that has N elements loop(f) // runs f(time,dt) forever // returns a function "kill" to be called to stop the loop canvas_autoresize(canvas) // automatically resizes a canvas resolution